Dr. Robert D. Crick

B.S, Trinity University, 1958
M.Div., Vanderbilt University, 1961
D. Min. Emory University, 1987
Certified Clinical Pastoral Education Supervisor
Board Certified with the Association for Professional Chaplains 

Previously Professor of the John D. Nichols Endowed Chair of 
Benevolence, Compassion and Care, The Church of God
Theological Seminary and President, Outside the Gates Ministries Foundation
Presently, Clinical Consultant, Peniel Drug and Alcohol Center, Johnstown, PA

Dr. Crick joined the Seminary Administration and Faculty in 1980.  As a Supervisor with ACPE, he developed clinical, chaplaincy and counseling programs for the military, and, later at the Seminary. During his years at the Seminary his courses included Pastoral Care and Counseling, Foundations for Life and Ministry, Marriage and Family, Crises Counseling, Ministerial Case Studies, Ministry and Sexuality, and many other related courses.

His ministerial and counseling experiences include local pastorates, chaplain/certified counselor with a state mental hospital, and, 21 years as a U.S. Army Church of God chaplain. Dr. Crick was awarded the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star for Valor, and many other commendations.  He is a trained pastoral therapist; serving as a member of the counseling teams at the Pastoral Institute Columbus, GA, and, the Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center, Fitzsimmons General Hospital, Denver, CO.

Dr. Crick established and directed the Church of God Chaplains Commission for 34 years. Under his leadership, thousands of full time and volunteer chaplains and pastoral counselors were trained and assigned around the world. As Director, he was senior editor for many books and manuals developed for the establishment of chaplaincy and counseling programs in educational settings, the military, prisons, hospitals, colleges and universities and law enforcement agencies.

In 2010 Dr. Crick established the Outside the Gates Ministries Foundation, an approved non-profit, in order to promote and develop Chaplaincy and Alzheimer’s Care ministries through publications, consultation and workshops, social media and other outreaches. He currently serves as the Foundation’s President.  

 Dr. Crick’s most recent books include, Outside the Gates; Theology, History and Practice of Chaplaincy Ministries, and his latest, August 2016, Journeying with Jeanette – a Love Story into the Land and Language of Alzheimer’s.  




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