Dr. Dan Tomberlin

Daniel Tomberlin is an ordained bishop in the Church of God (Cleveland, TN) and served as a local church pastor for thirty-seven years. Also, he served on the South Georgia Church of God State Council and the South Georgia Church of God Ministries Board. He was director of Ministerial Development for the Church of God in South Georgia, and served on the denominational Division of Education Board.

He studied at East Coast Bible College (Charlotte, NC), Brewton-Parker College (Mt. Vernon, GA), and graduated with the Bachelor of Science from Lee University (1994). He earned the Master of Divinity (2003) and Doctor of Ministry (2014) at Pentecostal Theological Seminary. 
He has authored Pentecostal Sacraments: Encountering God at the Altar (2010, 2019); Radical Generosity (2015); A Healed People (2018); An Undeconstructed Pentecostal (2021); Preacher Paulk: The Story of Earl Pearly Paulk, Sr. (2024); and other books and articles. He is a regular contributor in the Evangelical Sunday School Lesson Commentary. Dan writes a regular blog at www.DanielTomberlin.net.

Dan is a member of the Society for Pentecostal Studies. His interests include Historical Theology, Practical Theology, and Ecumenism. Dan is married to Sharon, and they have two sons, and six grandchildren. 

email: dtomberlin@ptseminary.edu




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Cleveland, TN 37311
800.228.9126 | 423.478.1131


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