Dr. Miriam Figueroa

PhD, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, 2013

Miriam was born in Puerto Rico.  Her father was a pastor and supervisor of the Iglesias de Cristo Misionera, an autochthonous pentecostal movement,while her mother dedicated herself to care for the family and collaborated in church ministries. Miriam is the oldest of four siblings.  She is married to pastor José W. Pimentel.  Her offspring’s Laura, Carlos and José are a blessing to their lives; a blessing that has been multiplied by welcoming in their family Wilmer, Myozottie and Mayté, their son and daughters in law and their eight grandchildren Kalani, Mía, Valeria, Anthony, Brooklyn, Leon, Rio and Mikaela.

Miriam and her husband have pastored a Church of God congregation in PR for seventeen years. This pastoral call has given birth to many ministries that blessed the church, their town community and the Church of God in Puerto Rico. 

Miriam has been an educator in the public and private schools in PR. She worked in Cleveland City Schools for five years.  She was a professor and Academic Dean of the Caribbean Theological Seminary. Miriam has been a speaker for revivals, conferences, women retreats and the COG National Assembly in PR.  She was an elected member for the Puerto Rico COG National Council. Miriam was president of FIEL Brazil, an Organization for Latin-American Educators and Leaders of the Church of God.  She is an advocate of women in leadership (according to their gifts) in the Church of God.   She was the first woman appointed to the Doctrine and Polity Committee of the Church of God. Since December of 2017, she has been pastor with her husband the Community of Hope Church of God in Cleveland. Miriam is an Assistant Professor for Pastoral Ministries at the PTS.

In 2013 she obtained a doctoral degree (Ph.D) in Practical Pastoral Theology from the Interamerican University of PR, where her dissertation was received with honors.  She wrote the book Hacia una Teología Pentecostalista (Toward a Pentecostalist Theology), a theology of women from the Church of God and the Pentecostal world.  Miriam enjoys singing, organizing events and reading. She believes that every day we can learn something, and she tries to do so.





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