Dr. Dale M. Coulter

Dale M. Coulter studied the Middle Ages while completing his DPhil at the University of Oxford. Much of his work has centered on the twelfth century abbey of St. Victor, having published a monograph on Richard of St. Victor. He is also an ordained bishop in the Church of God. His most recent work is a collection of essays he co-edited titled, The Spirit, the Affections, and the Christian Tradition (UND Press, 2016). He has authored a popular work on holiness and occasionally writes at the online platform for the journal First Things, which is published by the Institute for Religion and Public Life. His scholarly articles have appeared in journals such as Franciscan Studies, Pro Ecclesia, and the International Journal of Systematic Theology. He has also written articles for outlets such as The Washington Post, Christianity Today, The Stream, Keryx, and Seed Bed. He is a past president of the Society for Pentecostal Studies and serves on the editorial board of Victorine Texts in Translation, having co-edited the first volume of the series (Trinity and Creation, 2010 Brepols). He is finalizing the fifth volume, Symbolism and Contemplation. He has also served as co-editor of PNEUMA: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies (2010-2015) and currently serves on its editorial board. He is also involved in ecumenical discussions between Orthodox and Pentecostals as well as a participating member of Evangelicals and Catholics Together. 

email: dcoulter@ptseminary.edu




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