Dr. Timothy D. Cranfill

BA Lee College, 1989
M.Div. Church of God School of Theology, 1991
D.Min. Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004
D.Coun. Midwestern College, 2018

Dr. Cranfill is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Texas. In his former life, he worked with the VA Healthcare System and later served as a pediatric staff chaplain for the sixth largest stand-alone pediatric healthcare facility in the U.S.  He has extensive experience as a pediatric grief counselor and a Clinical Member of the South Texas Sexual Assault Response Team. Dr, Cranfill has served as a Regional Director of Bereavement Services for a large healthcare system and currently serves as the Director of Pastoral Care for Northeast Baptist Hospital and the Regional Director of Medical Ethics for a six-hospital  health system in San Antonio, TX.  Dr. Cranfill is also a Board Certified Chaplain with the Association of Professional Chaplains, an Ordained Bishop in the Church of God, and an endorsed member of the Church of God Chaplain’s Commission.

 Dr. Cranfill’s teaching experience includes a clinical faculty appointment at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences School of Nursing, and an adjunct faculty appointment at Patten College in Oakland, CA.  He currently serves as a clinical faculty member at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary, and as a member of the National Faculty for Resolve Through Sharing Perinatal Loss Bereavement Education with Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, WI.

Dr. Cranfill’s has extensive pediatric and adult experience.  His pediatric work spans 10 years of caring for terminally ill children, adolescents, and their families. His D.Min. dissertation was titled “Giving Sorrow Words: Turning Mourning into Dancing- Improving the Quality of Life in Terminally-Ill Children, Adolescents, and Adults Through the Use of Therapeutic Videography.”   Dr. Cranfill’s second dissertation is titled, “Shared Vulnerabilities: Coalescing Contributors to the Problem of Substance Misuse and Abuse Among Nurses – A Qualitative Study.”  
Currently, Dr. Cranfill maintains a small private counseling practice dedicated to nurses and other healthcare providers. His interests include grief work, trauma, complex trauma, suicide, spirituality, and research.  Dr. Cranfill has contributed to and edited several works related to perinatal grief and loss.

email: tcranfield@ptseminary.edu




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