
PTSeminary Centers

Centre for Pentecostal Theology

The Centre for Pentecostal Theology is a residential library dedicated to facilitating the conception, birth, and maturation of constructive Pentecostal Theology across the theological disciplines.

Centro para Estudios Latinos

To train and equip ministers in a biblical, theological and ministerial leveling program that will prepare each graduate to practice ministry effectively and the opportunity to enroll in any Master’s Degree Program of the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

Ofrecer un programa académico a nivel universitario con el fin de nivelar y equipar bíblica, teológicamente, y en estudios generales, a ministros Latinos a fin de prepararlos para inscribirse en los Programas de Maestría del Seminario Teológico Pentecostal.

Center for Pastoral Excellence

to work with Pastors and Administrative Bishops in fulfilling their vision for peer resourcing and peer accountability including, but not limited to, Pastoral Covenant Groups and catalyst training experience.





Manchester Wesley Research Center

The Manchester Wesley Research Centre (MWRC) promotes and supports research on the life and work of John and Charles Wesley, their contemporaries in the 18th century Evangelical Revival, their historical and theological antecedents, their successors in the Wesleyan tradition, and contemporary scholarship in the Wesleyan and Evangelical tradition. This includes areas such as theology, history, biblical studies, education, ethics, literature, mission, philosophy, pastoral studies, practical theology, and social theology.



Dixon Pentecostal Research Center

Squires Library


Career Transition

“In partnership with ResumeTarget, a complimentary career resource is provided to enable students and alumni with premium resumé templates and tools for job readiness.”




900 Walker St. NE,
Cleveland, TN 37311
800.228.9126 | 423.478.1131


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