MTS-PT Courses and Descriptions

The following are Area 2 courses that can be taken in the MTS-PT Program. Courses with an asterisk* indicate that they are required for the Program. All other courses listed with no asterisk are available as electives. Courses not offered in a semester are always available via Directed/Indendent Study.

Historical and Theological Studies (600-699)

HS, HT and TS Courses

The Word has come down to the present day through the mediation of the Church, and the Church’s understanding of the Word has influenced its own history and theology in each age. As students become acquainted with the history of the Church as an institution and with the historical development of Christian doctrine, they gain insight from the past for dealing with theology in this day, and are thus able to develop a personal theological position which is both sound and biblical and which will serve to inform and to undergird their ministry.

Historical Studies

HS 601 History of the Christian Church (3 hrs)

This course is a survey of church history from the New Testament to the modern period. It will familiarize the student with the flow of that history, give emphasis to the main figures and events, developments in the church’s worship, teaching, and lifestyle.

HS 610 The Early Church (3 hrs)

This course studies the early church through the first five hundred (500) years of its history, with emphasis on its literature, life, and theology. Topics for discussion will include: the organization and administration of the church, the role of the Holy Spirit, persecutions and martyrdom, Christian art, the emergence of monasticism, heretical sects, apocryphal literature and the piety of the common Christian.(Cross listed with HT601)

HS 620 Reformation (3 hrs)

This course is a study of the Reformation in Germany, Switzerland, and England and focuses on the lives and work of the major reformers with a view toward understanding how these currents and issues are alive and may influence the modern Pentecostal movement.

HS 640 The Holiness-Pentecostal Movement (3 hrs)

This course offers a sociological, theological and historical overview and analysis of the roots and origins of the Holiness-Pentecostal movement. An informed Pentecostal judgment will be developed on the relation of this movement to the Spirit movements in Protestant and Roman Catholic churches.

HS 650 Church of God History and Polity* (3 hrs)

The history component of this course deals with the cultural and theological influences, founders, historical development, major disruption in 1923, and the contemporary denomination. The policy component examines the biblical pattern of church polity and is designed to give the student a working knowledge of the Church of God in its local, district, state, national, and international dimensions.

Special Research Seminars

A selected topic related to Historical Studies is treated each time the following seminars are offered:

HS 685-689 Research in Historical Studies (1 hr)
HS 690-694 Research in Historical Studies (2 hrs)
HS 695-699 Research in Historical Studies (3 hrs)

Historical Theology

HT 607 Historical Theology* (3 hrs)

This course offers an overview and analysis of the doctrinal and theological history of the church in its different cultural settings from the apostolic age up to the Reformation. Primary source documents and contemporary illustrations will supplement the lectures and text materials. The aim of the course is to help the student to become historically informed in the history of doctrine so as to be able to understand and apply biblical teaching to the needs of the church and world of today.

HT 640 Theology of John Wesley (3 hrs)

The Church of God has deep Wesleyan roots which need to be recovered. The life and teaching of John Wesley will be assessed by means of biographies, sermons and letters. We will consider how Wesley’s integration of theology and polity may inform and shape modern Pentecostal practice. (C-L)

HT 643 History and Theology of the Wesleyan Holiness Pentecostal Movements* (3 hrs)

An exploration of the history and theology of the Wesleyan, Holiness, Pentecostal, and Charismatic movements with special attention given to the formation and development of theological distinctives and their significance in ecumenical conversation.

HT 680 Contemporary Theology (3 hrs)

This course is designed to give a basic introduction to, and survey of, the broad field of twentieth-century theology. Certain theologians are selected in order to study their contributions and influence on contemporary theological thinking.

HT 688 Women in Pentecostalism (1 hr)

This course seeks to survey briefly the theological and ministerial contributions of women ministers in the Pentecostal tradition. Special attention will be given to pastors, teachers, evangelists, and missionaries – especially those whose ministry was prominent in the earliest period of the Pentecostal Movement.

Special Research Seminars

The following courses give students an opportunity to do research in selected areas of historical theology:

HT 690-693 Research in Historical Theology (1 hr)
HT 694-696 Research in Historical Theology (2 hrs)
HT 697-699 Research in Historical Theology (3 hrs)

Christian Doctrine

TS 606 Introduction to Christian Doctrine* (3 hrs)

This course is designed to offer a holistic doctrinal formation in the Pentecostal tradition that traces its theological root in, and aligns its theological explorations with, the distinctive trajectories associated with the Wesleyan and Holiness movements. The course intends to provide a comprehensive, graduate-level, introduction to Christian doctrine while taking seriously the doxological nature of the work of theology; hence, the doctrinal formation envisioned in this course would be constructive in nature, mapping out, and developing, a Wesleyan-Holiness-Pentecostal theology that is holistically knitted with the faith grammars and practices distinctive of Pentecostal spirituality. Such a theology responds to classical formulations of the Christian faith, as well as contemporary articulations of Christian doctrine, while seeking to be pastorally faithful and socially relevant in a changing world.

TS 607 Pentecostal Theology and Spirituality* (3 hrs)

This course will offer a synthesis of biblical, historical, and practical components and will utilize both classical formulations of the faith and contemporary case studies. After an initial consideration of the nature and task of theology, the following doctrines will be considered: God, man, Christ, and the Holy Spirit. The relation of theology to other disciplines will be discussed at different points throughout the course. This course will also develop the doctrines of Salvation, the Church, and Last Things. The study will culminate in the production of a personal statement of belief (credo) for use in practical ministry and final evaluation of each student.

TS 620 Doctrine of Christ (3 hrs)

The participants in this course will study the person and work of Jesus Christ and will examine the history of the controversies in this area. The atoning work is considered in terms of the Old Testament preparation, the New Testament enactment and the Church’s proclamation.

TS 630 Doctrine of the Holy Spirit (3 hrs)

This course is a study of the person and work of the Holy Spirit with special emphasis on the Pentecostal experience from the perspective of classical Pentecostalism. This course seeks to enable the student to assess issues raised by contemporary Spirit movements.

TS 640 Doctrine of Salvation (3 hrs)

The participants will study the doctrine of salvation and focus on the Biblical presentation and modern theological developments of the same.

TS 641 Doctrine of Holiness (3 hrs)

The aim of this course will be to facilitate a reappropriation and/or deepening of the understanding and experience associated with the doctrine of sanctification. Other Christian positions will be assessed in relation to typical Holiness-Pentecostal concerns. Freudian and Marxist insights will be used to develop an approach which takes seriously individual and social evil. Implications for the doctrine of salvation, church discipline, church structure, and church policies will be worked out by means of readings, discussions, case studies, research and lectures.

TS 642 Doctrine of Divine Healing (3 hrs)

An examination of the theological and historical development of the doctrine and practice of divine healing from Biblical period to the present. Emphasis is placed upon its significance for the 19th century Healing Movement and the 20th century Pentecostal-Charismatic movements. Special attention is given to the construction of a Pentecostal theology of healing.

TS 650 Doctrine of the Church (3 hrs)

This course will study the biblical doctrine of the church in a historical and theological perspective. Emphasis will be given to the models and the images of the Church throughout history and how these may enrich one’s understanding and experience of the church today.

TS 660 Doctrine of the Last Things (3 hrs)

A biblical view of last things is related to contemporary options in eschatology. The course seeks to provide a basis for a balanced, hopeful eschatological doctrine, and a critique of modern themes.

TS 670 Philosophy and Theology in Dialogue (3 hrs)

This course places philosophy and theology in dialog so that students may understand the perennial relevance of the issues raised in both disciplines and learn to critically evaluate their own theology in the light of these issues.

TS 673 Trinity, Personhood and Prayer (3 hrs)

A historical and constructive theological study of the inter-determining relationship of God’s life in trinity, human personhood, and the practice of prayer as revealed in Christian doctrine and praxis.

TS 674 Trinity, Evil and the Kingdom (3 hrs)

Course Description forthcoming

TS/CO 751 Spirituality, Religion and Mental Health (3 hrs)

in Counseling This course concerns the competencies for counseling in regards to spirituality, religion and value in counseling. Theological constructs from a faith-based, Wesleyan-Pentecostal perspective are correlated with counseling practices. Professional and ethical issues are integrated in counseling theory and practice. The course dialogues over the seminal historical and theological treatises where religion and mental health intersect.

TS 683 Contextual Theology (3 hrs)

This course accents the dynamic and ongoing interaction between the development and articulation of Christian theology in conversation with surrounding culture or cultures. It focuses on theological experience and traces the use of experience in theological constructs and in light of Wesleyan Pentecostal theology. Experiences in cultural context highlight theological issues of geography, ethnicity, economics, gender, race, science and religion, etc. This course looks at theological principles for constructing contextual theology and introduces the student to different streams contextual theology, including representative proponents or practitioners. The course addresses contextual theological issues raised for present-day Wesleyan-Pentecostal theology and spirituality.

TS 689 Capstone: MTS - Pentecostal Spirituality & Theology (1 hr)*

This capstone seminar is designed to provide candidates for the Master of Theological Studies degree Pentecostal Theology concentration an opportunity to demonstrate through a reflective essay the way in which the outcomes for the degree have been meet during their MTS course of study and to offer a piece of research to their MTS peers and Pentecostal Spirituality & Theology Faculty that demonstrates their interpretive, integrative, and research skills. These two assignments constitute the summative evaluative exercise for the degree program. The seminar, where possible, is normally taken during the student’s last semester of enrollment.

Special Research Seminars

The following courses give students an opportunity to do research in selected areas of systematic theology:

TS 690-693 Research in Systematic Theology (1 hr)
TS 694-695 Research in Systematic Theology (2 hrs) TS 696-699 Research in Systematic Theology (3 hrs)

For Admissions information contact Lee Seals, Admissions Director. You may also Apply Now
Complete degree program details and course descriptions are available in the PTS Academic Catalog.
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