
The Master of Arts in Christian Studies (MACS) is a two-year graduate degree designed to give students who possess a graduate degree in a discipline outside theology an opportunity to acquire theological training at the graduate level across the theological disciplines. This degree is especially designed for professionals who do not seek to pursue a traditional ministerial degree but who nonetheless desire to acquire theological training at the graduate level for personal and professional formation and development.


MACS Learning Outcomes

  1. Rightly divide (interpret/discern) the Word of God by means of a Pentecostal approach to Scripture that utilizes critical appropriation of spiritual and academic resources.
  2. Practice and foster community of faith relationships around the Word of God.
  3. Reflect critically upon one’s story in light of the truthful biblical story in order to form the individual and the community.
  4. Practice personal and corporate spiritual disciplines (including prayer, fasting, Bible study, waiting upon God, and personal worship) supportive of Pentecostal spirituality.
  5. Demonstrate knowledge of specific aspects of Pentecostal belief and practice.
  6. Articulate an understanding of the integration of theology and one’s professional training.


Degree Requirements

Candidates for the MA in Christian Studies must already possess a graduate degree (or its equivalent) in a discipline outside theology and must complete thirty-six hours of prescribed course work. This includes the successful completion of six hours of biblical studies, eleven hours of Pentecostal Theology and History including Pentecostal Foundations and two hours of Community of Faith Group participation, the Theology and the Professions Capstone Seminar (one hour), and twelve hours of elective course work chosen in consultation with one’s advisor, and six hours of free electives that may be transferred into the program.


Required Courses

Biblical Studies Core Courses:

Successful completion of six hours of biblical studies (6 Hours)

Pentecostal Theology and History Courses

Pentecostal Foundations (3 Hours)
Pentecostal History and/or Theology (6 hours)
[Courses which may satisfy this requirement include; Historical Theology, Pentecostal Spirituality, Introduction to Christian Doctrine, History and Theology of Wesleyan Holiness Pentecostal Movements, Divine Healing, Holiness, Theology of the Holy Spirit, Church of God History and Polity] (12 Hours)

Christian Studies Capstone Course: (1 Hour)


Community of Faith: (2 Hours)

Successful Completion of Community of Faith Requirements


Electives: (12 Hours) 


Free Electives: (6 hours)


Total Hours (36 Hours)

For Admissions information contact Lee Seals, Admissions Director. You may also Apply Now
Complete degree program details and course descriptions are available in the PTS Academic Catalog.
900 Walker St. NE - Cleveland, TN 37311 - (800) 228-9126


Dr. Austin Williams
Program Chair

Associate Professor of Philosophical Theology



900 Walker St. NE,
Cleveland, TN 37311
800.228.9126 | 423.478.1131


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