DMin Courses and Descriptions

The following are DMIN Courses at Pentecostal Theological Seminary

DMIN Core (12 hours required)

All the following core courses are required:

DM 901 - Doctor of Ministry Orientation and Assessment (3 hours)

This course is an introduction and overview of the Doctor of Ministry (DMIN) curriculum, process, goals and project. Critical reflection on contemporary theories or models of leadership and assessment of one's personal leadership approach will assist students in the integration of their present theology and practice of leadership.

DM 908 - Reading Theology for Ministry (3 hours)

This course builds upon a basic knowledge of Christian theology (historical and doctrinal) and skill in theological reflection. It is intended to help a student gain advanced understanding of Wesleyan-Pentecostal theology in its historical context. It is also intended to help the student develop an advanced level of theological reflection for ministry praxis through engagement with contemporary theological scholarship and socio-cultural dynamics that influence the mission of the Church in diverse social-cultural settings. The insights gained are brought to bear on the student’s context in conversation with the course content.

DM914 - Reading Scripture for Ministry (3 hours)

This course builds upon a basic knowledge of Scripture and scriptural interpretation/hermeneutical training. It is intended to help a student gain advanced knowledge of Wesleyan-Pentecostal hermeneutics. It is also intended to help a student gain advanced skills for biblical interpretation for ministry praxis through reflection on contemporary biblical scholarship that influences the mission of the Church in diverse social-cultural settings.

DM915 - Reading Theological Contexts (3 hours)

This course builds upon a basic understanding of the integration of theological reflection with ministry practice. It is intended to help a student gain advanced understanding of the field of practical theology. It is also intended to help the student cultivate advanced skills for engaging and transforming operative theologies embedded in his/her ministry context.

DMIN Electives (9 hours required; offered periodically)

Students choose three electives (9 hours total) based on their area of interest, or focus area. These may include, but are not limited to:

DM 921 Doctor of Ministry Seminar 1: Proposal (3 hours)

This course focuses on the process of research that will be conducted during the Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) program. Its purpose is to orient the student to library and information services of the Church of God Theological Seminary and proper modes of theological and contextual research. The goal of this course is to facilitate conducting the contextual assessment, doing a literature review and writing the proposal. It also orients students concerning group dynamics and process through research and participation in group process to lead a group of three to five individuals related to their ministry context. The purpose of the group is to reflect with the student concerning his or her Doctor of Ministry courses and program. Particular attention is given in this course concerning the assessment of the student's ministry setting.

DM 922 Doctor of Ministry Seminar 2: Prospectus(3 hours)

This course focuses on the student’s project execution and analysis. Its purpose is to write and defend the Prospectus.This course also orients students concerning group dynamics and process. Particular attention is given to ways in which the group can assist the student in the implementation and/or reflection upon the student's project in ministry and the writing of the Prospectus.

DM 934 - Doctor of Ministry Dissertation (3 hours)

This course focuses on the completion and defense of the student’s DMIN dissertation. Attention will be given to the successful assessment of ministerial context, development of a ministry topic, adequate research, accurate representation of the student’s DMIN project design, proposal, execution, information gathering, analysis, summary and projections. The course includes the presentation and defense of the DMIN dissertation before a colloquium group of professors and a peer DMIN student.


For Admissions information contact Lee Seals, Admissions Director. You may also Apply Now
Complete degree program details and course descriptions are available in the PTS Academic Catalog.
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